About DHIndia Association (DHIndia)
DHIndia Association is a Section 8 non-profit company formed to help accelerate the adoption of digital health in India. Its mission is to advise National and State Governments on policy decisions of strategic and tactical interests, help adoption of national EHR standards, design pragmatic regulatory frameworks, create collaborative platforms for academia-industry partnerships, power workforce development and capacity building for on-the-ground implementations and promote cross-disciplinary education and research in the area of Digital Health.
DHIndia’s vision is to “Enable best of health and care to individuals and populations through optimal implementation of effective digitization in healthcare”. To achieve this vision, it has identified the following objectives that it will work on – Governmental and non-governmental digital health advisory, Academic liaison, Industry partnership, Workforce development, Knowledge & advocacy and Thought leadership.
To this end DHIndia has undertaken many initiatives including the following
- Creation of the first Telemedicine providers’ registry(https://telemedregistry.in/) – A registry of telemedicine solution providers in India is being created in association with CAHO, HIMSS India and CHIME India and supported by NRCeS.
- CDSS for COVID-19 screening (https://ehr.network/covid-19-cdss-project-page/) – A centrally managed set of Clinical Decision Support tools for the front line doctors in COVID-19 screening being developed as a collaborative venture with EHRC@IIITB & Healthelife ventures
- Forecasting admission and resource planning in COVID Hospitals – SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered) forecasting tool to help the rural hospitals to plan their resources in advance and to prevent any catastrophic breakdown in operations due to sudden increased volume of patients in remote areas, DHIndia has customised, tested and deployed a model developed by Pennsylvania University . This service has and is continuing to tangibly help the districts of Jalna, Maharashtra and Simdega in Jharkhand.
- Contribution to FHIR connectathon – DHIndia members have actively participated in the first ever HL7 India’s FHIR connectathon. Members were Track Leads for the various tracks such as the Profiles Track, Telehealth Track and Terminology Track.
- Telemedicine devices registry – This project, still in the planning phase, intends to build on the DHIndia telemedicine registry and supplement it with a directory of devices which are useful in the telehealth ecosystem. . Active discussions are being done with different stakeholders to understand their requirements and create a framework for the proposed directory.